A few weeks ago DH were surprised to receive an invitation to an event at The Wallace Collection celebrating the launch of The Evening Standard's 1000 Most Influential People in London. It's not that we think that we don't have our own little sphere of importance. Waitrose, for example would be in an even worse state if it were not for my regular purchase of bags of mixed nuts & raisins and as for HP, if he does not stop in for his cinnamon swirl at Apostrophe every Saturday and Sunday, they call up and ask if he is feeling poorly.
Assuming we had been included in error and would be ejected the moment people realised we were not the Harden Brothers, we went along anyway anticipating at least a few glugs of something sparkly and a few bites of stuff on bread. It turned out to be quite a swish do with many of London's great and good in attendance, er and Boris "fuckwit" Johnson (his initials I am convinced are one of God's little jokes)
HP, with his usual unerring aim for finding food secured us the perfect station for the arrival of canapes although, after several samples, he declared them "one note" and expressed disappointment that they "didn't go anywhere" The champagne, however was primo and we let ourselves be topped up on a regular basis as we talked to a handful of other people not important enough to be photographed with the Mayor.
On the way out we collected a copy of the magazine being launched and I was delighted to see us listed (p47 if you are interested) along with a plug for the book. HP, of course was just even more delighted with the thought that he keeps a low profile and posts under the name Walter, a reference of course to Walter Becker. If they had been checking now, he would be listed as Whizzer.
Me? I too am thrilled to be mentioned so, thanks to whoever on the panel thought we were worth while listing and thanks to you lot who are, apparently, a cult for reading along.
I even did an awkward little dance of celebration on my way home through Broadgate, much to HP's amusment. But then, we were both under the influence.

congratulations, good work!
and who's that o'loughlin character just above heston?!
Lol re: Boris Johnson. Never thought of that before!
Congrats on being listed, it's fantastic. Sounds like a fun party.
To paraphrase Kenneth Williams:
"You're a cult... an enormous cult. People stop in the street and point to you and say look, it's that cult from the blog."
Good work, chaps.
Nothing wrong with Boris. At least he isn't, yet, running the place like his personal fiefdom and randomly insulting people while pissed in meetings!
congrats :)
now i feel so important knowing an influential person hehehehe
44yrs old, now that's impressive!
Congratulations, well deserved gents.
Who would've thunk! Our very own as one of the 1,000 most influential people in London alongside Circeplum and Fay Maschler.
Btw, it was the first time I'd seem Maj under the index.
Tried to find him in the middle page aerial shot...wondered where he was?
Wow, a Simon sandwich, smack between Jamie Oliver and Heston Blumenthal.
Color me hungry!
: D
See you soon, love. We're planning a cookout for you.
The floor looks like a giant disco...
You may be talk of the town but don't you 2 boys dare give up blog job!
Kool Stuff Boys! Well done
Adrian (padstow)
Hey BDog,
Thanks or "Yn poynt da, meur ras" as they probably say before setting fire to my w/e cottage...
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